Elemental Energy: Simplifying Decarbonization

033: CEO of Natura Resources Doug Robison, From Oil and Gas to Nuclear

Marcia Leonard

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Are you curious about how successful oil and gas personnel are adopting nuclear? Listen here to find out.

Doug Robison, CEO of Natura Resources is a third-generation oil and gas leader now taking his pioneering spirit into the nuclear sector. Natura Resources is advancing development of molten salt reactors in the USA. In this conversation, we levelized the current innovation we are seeing similar to that of what we saw with hydraulic fracturing in the early 2000s and look what that did for our energy independence and security! Now let’s continue to drive clean power generation into this innovation. Join us as we discuss the below:

 -How simulation of the Permian basin regulation advancements for drilling to support the oil and gas industry 20 years ago can impact our implementation of advanced nuclear
-What Natura Resources goals are with a Molten Salt Reactor and project status
-Empowering the nuclear workforces of the future
-Deploying a commercial reactor and the phases it takes to get there – running the research reactor and commercial designs in tandem
-Prioritization of power to customers versus data centers
-How do we stabilize the grid and deliver dispatchable power


Chek out Natura Resources here: https://www.naturaresources.com/

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